Store Locations
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri : 9:00-12:00 / 13:00 - 17:00
Sat - Sun or Holidays: Closed
Kristianstad, Sweden
Our store is located on the outskirts of Kristianstad, Sweden. About 1hr from Malmö and 1½hr from Copenhagen. You are welcome to visit our store during our opening hours. If you are a larger group (3+) you can call and book a time on the weekend aswell.
Popup store
We offer the ability for teams to book a visit to their team where you receive personal service from our experts.
This is usually around February-April right before the season starts.
If you are interessted in our visit, make sure you reach out to coaches, team leaders or board members in your club so they can book a visit from us.
Popup Store Opening Hours
We are usually at a club meeting a set time. Aprox 4hrs.